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How To: Build A Jockey Box

Deciding to Build A Jockey BoxDecision #1 Cold Plate or Coil? While a generally simple task once you have all the parts, deciding on what kind of Jockey Box you want as well as the quality and durability of your finished product can be a bit confusing. We here at Maurer Sales sell more coils for Jockey Boxes due to special event and catering customers who need to dispense in high-demand scenarios. However, we do stock 3 different cold plates as well if you decide to build a cold plate Jockey Box. It’s wise to note that whether you get a coil or a cold plate, you will likely have stainless steel beer lines to transfer your beer. Decision #2 Chrome-Plated Brass or Stainless? We...

How To: Build a Kegerator

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With Kegerators becoming more and more ubiquitous in the homebrew and craft beer enthusiast community, we wanted to share a great instructional manual on how to build a kegerator using the kit we sell.Whether you are a homebrewer or own a bar or restaurant, a kegerator might be the beer dispensing solution you're looking for. Instead of spending 1000's of dollars, why not build your own? It's easy and much less expensive! Everything you need to know can be found here! Of course, you can buy all the parts separately, or mix and match own your own. The overall process is the same regardless. No matter what route you choose, if you want to build a kegerator, you need a refrigerator to start. A great...

How To: Replace a Wing Handle on a Picnic or Party Pump

We've been asked before how to replace the plastic handles on picnic pumps as after a great deal of use (and abuse) they do tend to get old and crack. When this happens it's only a matter of time before they need to be replaced. Since there is no definitive "how to" online on the process for replacing these parts, we thought it might be nice to make one. Below is a step-by-step guide with pictures ona how to get this job done! To note, the picnic pump we used for this demo was not a broken one, as we felt breaking one for the tutorial was ludicrous. When using a broken handle be careful not to cut yourself, but the process should be similar....